Inner Peace Wellness Coaching

Discover the beauty of starting your journey towards inner peace with our unique blend of 1:1 Coaching, Workshops & Courses, and Retreats. Let us guide you towards a life filled with balance and harmony.

Meet Carmel, our passionate and accredited Health & Wellness Coach (HCANZA), who brings the power of meditation and mindfulness to transform lives. Join us in this transformative experience!

1:1 Coaching x 1 Session

Based on Sir John Whitmore's "GROW" model, we work together on your Goals, Reality, Options and Will. This is a perfect place to start to help you step back and seek some clarity around your goals.

Workshop - Wheel of Life (2 Hours)

The Wheel of Life Workshop fosters self-reflection by dividing life into segments. In 2 hours, we explore career, relationships, health, finances, personal growth, family, and spirituality, helping you identify areas needing more or less focus.

Group Coaching x 6 Session

Over 6 weeks, we use an evidence based program and work together to discover your values and strengths. With questions and reflections you will envisage your ideal life and help to create a "Vision Statement". Weekly goal setting helps break it all into achievable steps.

Navigating Change (2 Hours)

In this 2 hour workshop we look at what you want in your life, why you want it, what is stopping you achieving it, and how we can get you there! This is a fun and interactive session which will have you skipping out the door!

Stress/Anxiety Management

Over 6 weeks, we use an evidence based program and work together to discover your values and strengths. With questions and reflections you will envisage your ideal life and help to create a "Vision Statement". Weekly goal setting helps break it all into achievable steps.

Energise Your Life Retreat

Inner Peace Wellness aims to help you with tools for anxiety and stress so that you can regain control of your life and feel more peaceful. It is important to understand what works and what doesn’t work.

Meditation Classes

A perfect mix of theory and practical skills help novice meditators and those looking for a refresher to understand the positive impact of meditation. Practical suggestions to incorporate into everyday life make it all achievable.

Bespoke Program

Introducing our bespoke, tailor-made program, designed to meet your individual needs.

Discover your path to inner peace